I know this blog is suppose to be about selling clothes on eBay but I have to post about heart disease. As I am sure you know this is heart month. It is also the month my brother died of a massive heart attack. I would like to share some of his story.
Two years ago Feb 26th seemed like a normal day. Then I got a phone call that my brother was in the hospital and had had a heart attack. My mom and I rushed to the hospital to find out that he had a heart attack and they had put a stent in and he had a 100% blockage in one of his arteries. Also what is known as a widow maker. I knew he had been complaining about chest pains for about 4 months and after being asked several times to go to the doctor he didn't listen. He was a master electrician and had just started a new business and he said he was to busy to go to the doctor.
He woke up having chest pains and actually left home to drive himself to the hospital. On the way he decided he didn't want a huge hospital bill and decided to turn around and go home. But then it got worse and he had a massive heart attack sitting in his van in his driveway. Unfortunately he went without oxygen for almost 15 minutes while waiting for the paramedics. We didn't know it but by the time he got to the hospital his brain was already fried. His brain couldn't even regulate his own body temperature or breath on his own.
After 3 days of praying and hoping for a miracle. The final test came in that showed his brain was no longer functioning. My mom had to make a decision a parent should never have to make to pull the plug. Thank God my mom, Joe's son and I got to be with him and hold him as he took his last breath.
I have never felt such pain in my life. I have lost a lot of people in my life but my brother was only 38 years old. He was such an amazing man. He has left a hole in my life and heart I don't think will ever completely heal.
Almost 23 months later, I was walking around in Lowe's and started feeling chest pain, nausea , light headed and feeling like I was going to faint. Every step I took the worse it got. Chuck rushed me to the patients first and after seeing my blood pressure they called 911. I spent 3 days in the hospital where I found out I have high blood pressure. The doctor said I was heading towards a heart attack or stroke. My blood pressure was 168/112. He said that is why high blood pressure is known as the silent killer. I felt miserable for the month before hand but I have fibromalygia and just assumed the weather was making my fibro worse. I have changed my diet, exercising and taking my medicine and my blood pressure is in the normal range now.
My whole point of sharing this is to show it can happen to you. I know we all like to think these things only happen to other people but they can happen to anybody. Listen to your body. Make regular doctor appointments. Get up and exercise. Eat right!
Here are some helpful websites:
High Blood Pressure Symptoms
Go Red For Women
25 Top Heart Healthy Foods
sorry to hear about your brother. thanks for posting this